What We Do

We provide an innovative way for people with intolerances and allergies to find places to eat. Ready to eat users go onto our website (app coming soon), and search for places near them where they can eat. They do this by filtering by allergen and then by location. Consumers pick a restaurant, then go dine. It’s as easy as that!

Our Pricing

Our pricing was made to be affordable for restaurants. We want to build something that increases restaurant business and changes lives.

For only $8.33 per month ($100/year) you can join our network.

Ingredient ID Package



By purchasing this service, you will be effectively marketing to users of our website (app coming soon) who are ready to dine. They just need to know where to eat,

✓ Gain access to a new market of ready to dine customers

✓ Your restaurant listing on our website

✓ Receive a physical window sticker denoting your restaurant’s membership

✓Easy sign up – only a single form (pictured)

✓Ability to edit your form information

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it take to sign up?

All it takes to become part of our network is simply filling out a few questions on our form. This is the key to getting onto our website. From there, we will ship you a 5″ x 5″ sticker to place on your window. In passing, people will recognize your membership and know to look online!

What about liability?

We have disclaimers on our website you must agree to, noting to always check with servers before ordering at restaurants and that menus are subject to change without notice. To minimize risk to restaurants while still providing value, we have specially designed our process. Instead of providing specific allergen info on each entree available, we simplified it to only show your restaurant when you have 3 or more available options for someone with a specific allergy or intolerance. We don’t provide info on specific allergens so at the end of the day, the consumer must still ask about what they can have and cross contamination (if any). This is 

Can I update my information?

Yes! We will send out emails asking if you need to update your forms biannually.

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